working papers
How Do Credit Supply Conditions Transmit Across the Globe?, with H. Herwartz and H. Rohloff, R&R
Robust Real-Time Estimates of the German Output Gap based on a Multivariate Trend-Cycle Decomposition, with T. Berger, R&R
Do Global Public and Private Credit Shocks Distinctly Impact the Business Cycle? Evidence from 38 Advanced and Emerging Economies, with H. Herwartz and H. Rohloff
publication (peer-reviewed)
Energy efficiency of residential buildings in the European Union – An exploratory analysis of cross-country consumption patterns, with A. Thonipara, P. Runst and K. Bizer, in: Energy Policy, 129(6), pp. 1156-1167, 2019.
policy publications
Germany’s foreign direct investment in times of geopolitical fragmentation, with K. Fletcher, V. Grimm, T. Kroeger, A. Mineshima, A. Presbitero, P. Schmidt-Engelbertz, and J. Zhou, in: IMF Working Paper, 130, 2024.
A Note on the Synchronisation of the Natural Rates of Interest in Germany and the Euro Area, with T. Berger, GCEE Working Paper, 03, 2024.
Demographic Aging and Long-Run Economic Growth in Germany, with L. Other, E. Thiel and C. Zuber, GCEE Working Paper, 02, 2024. [German Potential Output Estimates] [Technical Appendix]
Wege aus der Wachstumsschwäche, with V. Grimm and T. Kroeger, in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 104 (3), 180–186, 2024.
The US Inflation Reduction Act: How the EU is affected and how it should react, with M. Fajeau, N. Garnadt, V. Grimm, S. Jean, T. Kroeger, C. Landais, U. Malmendier, H. Paris, T. Philippon, A. Saussay, M. Schnitzer, A. Truger and M. Werding, in: VoxEU columns, 17 Oct 2023.
Die Konjunkturbereinigung der Schuldenbremse: ein Plädoyer für methodische Reformen, with C. Zuber, in: Wirtschaftsdienst 102 (11), 822–825, 2022.
dḗmos - Simulation of Population Dynamics in R, mimeo
btsm - Bayesian Time Series Simulation, Estimation and Prediction of Trend-Cycle Decompositions and ARMAX(p,q,n) processes with stochastic volatility and time-varying parameters in R, mimeo
varmas - Bayesian Estimation and Identification of Structural Vector-Autoregressive Vector-Moving-Average Models, mimeo
The views expressed on this website are my own and do not necessarily coincide with the views of the German Council of Economic Experts, the Eurosystem or Deutsche Bundesbank.